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Resources 4 Athletes

At The Athlete Lab, we see any athlete but we specialize in specific athletic populations.  These athlete verticals is where we have done most of our own  research, published in peer reviewed journals on, done specific protocols for or created continuing education courses and content around for other health care professionals.  This is also where you will find resources 4 athletes.

BJJ Resources

This will provide the BJJ/MMA or combatives athlete with all the tools and resources they need in order to improve their combat readiness and improve the lethality of their game.  These resources include research based programs that can be practically implemented into any athletes routine.  Programs for warriors written and developed by a warrior.

ACL Resources

Dr. Nessler’s initial ACL work started due to the number of young athletes he saw with ACL injuries.  This will provide some of his best education on ACL injuries (podcasts, sports medicine conferences and webinars) as well as access to the ACL Safe & Strong Program and ViMove+ AMI data interpretation.

Dr. Nessler's Book

Want to learn more about human movement, what it tells you about deficits, how to use that information to develop programs to mitigate risk for injury and improve performance?  Then this book is for you.  350 pages of a deep dive into the science behind human movement and how can use that to improve performance.

Vector Warrior Resiliency Program

This program is specifically designed for the warrior who wants to take their game to the next level.  Developed through a partnership with Dr. Trent Nessler and Kayezen Vector, this program has all you need to improve your mobility where needed and strength and power to take you to the next level.  A program for warriors written by a warrior.

We Help Athletes Make The Impossible ……….. Possible!

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