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Return To Sport Testing

After a surgery or serious sports related injury, the most important decision a parent, athlete or health care provider can make is, when is is SAFE to return to sport.  Historically, this has been based on primarily outdated research, subjective interpretation of how an athlete moves and surgical timelines that are different for everyone and types of procedures done.  This is one of the reasons that Dr. Nessler developed the ViMove+ AMI.  His goal was to provide physicians and health care providers with a tool to objectively measure movement patterns that put athletes at risk and which could be used to make more informed decisions based on lab quality objective data for return to sport.

Since the commercial release in 2017, the ViMove+ AMI  has been used to assess over 90,000 athletes across 5 countries.  What Dr. Nessler has learned from this data has lead to the development of one of the most comprehensive Return to Sport Assessments available today.  Dr. Nessler now teaches his movement based approach and methodology to health care providers all over the globe and offers this exclusively at The Athlete Lab.

The Athlete Lab’s Return to Sport Assessment includes:

  1. Patient reported outcome or PRO – we use the TSK-11 which has been highly associated with risk of reinjury and movement dysfunction,
  2. ViMove+ AMI or Athletic Movement Index – we use wearable sensors to capture movement with lab quality data over a series of prescribed movements developed by Dr. Nessler
  3. 30 Yard Acceleration/Deceleration Test – we use wearable sensors to capture how an athlete moves and how force is absorbed during a 30 yard maximum acceleration and deceleration sprint,
  4. Neurocognitive test – we use a sensor based platform to assess neurocognitive function, reaction times and accuracy.  This has a direct impact on injury risk, speed and agility.
  5. LSI in power output – we use a sensor based platform to assess power output on the right versus left, variance of power between right and left and degradation of power over time.  This has a direct impact on injury risk, speed, vertical jump and power output.

At the conclusion of this testing (~90 min), Dr. Nessler will review all the information with you, share with you how this compares to normative values, what are the clinical take-aways and what targeted training will aid in improving results.  You will also be provided with a comprehensive report summarizing all the information to share with your health care providers and/or coach.

The Athlete Lab Return to Sport Provides:

  1. Patient reported level of confidence with movement and return to sport
  2. ViMove+ AMI results including:
    • Overall movement score
    • AMI Rating
    • Loss of balance (LOB) and LOB LSI (Limb Symmetry Index)
    • Aggregate LSI – based on LQI scores on each limb during performance of multiple tasks
    • LSI – limb symmetry index – compares performance on the right side versus left on single limb tests
    • LQI – limb quality index – is a measure of quality of movement during each rep
  3. Acceleration/Deceleration Test –  provides:
    1. GRF – ground reaction force on right versus the left
    2. IPA – initial peak acceleration – how the limb is controlled when contacting the ground
    3. LSI – symmetry of the right versus left during sprinting
  4. Neurocognitive Test
    1. LSI in reaction time
    2. LSI in error rates
    3. Comparison of performance compared to normative values
  5. Power Test
    1. LSI in power output right versus left
    2. Weight distribution during power generation

Price:  $450
TIme: 90 minutes

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